Thursday, February 10, 2011

Skip Beat (the first audition battle) 3

Part 3

2) Kyoko accepts a job to assist a beautiful rising actress name Ruriko and she is Kyoko's perfect image of princess. But Ruriko causes Kyoko to sprain her ankle, lucky for her Tsuruga (a world famous actor that Kyoko somewhat despises at the beginning because he pisses her off, and slowly gets to know him better as the story progresses) and carries her to the studio where Ruriko is supposed to shoot a movie. Unfortunately Ruriko is a Deva (if you haven't already figured that out) and quits the movie when she finds out that Tsugura isn't paying her extra attention and the director keeps telling her that she sucks at acting (not in those words, but that's what he meant XD ) and says that even an amateur like Kyoko could act that part out. Kyoko accepts that challenge and so begins the fight of the spot in the movie. The first seen is simple walking, but like a noble woman, back straight, body weight centered, head above neck, etc. Ruriko couldn't do it, but Kyoko had been taught by Shotaro's parents when they were setting her up to be his wife. She flew by Ruriko, but keep in mind that her ankle is still sprained and bruised (aka a lot of freakin' pain). The second seen is a tea ceremony between the heroine and Tsugura. Half way through Ruriko forgets her lines and stares at Tsugura. Kyoko had also been taught the ceremony so she was obviously better. But she couldn't get into a sitting position because of her ankle, but she had been taught to never show pain until the customer has left. So she felt like bricks were being thrown on her foot which was staked to the floor, but she only smiled and ignored it. She did really well until she passed out, but it was a really cool way to pass out. I'm not going to tell you, you want to know? Watch the anime! So she was brought to the hospital and didn't get the part, but she wasn't to mad. Ruriko changed and began to work harder because of how determined Kyoko had been. (This was all the directors plan by the way)

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